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This run-down structure located in the sewers is one of the most coveted destination by the poor citizens of novigrad who are looking for fun or for some easy money form the bets. The arena, together with the casino is also one of the most profitable source of revenue of the crime lord cyprian wiley, also known as " whoreson junior". This includes a main quest called 'get junior', which takes him through the underbelly of the city and into the home of a truly deranged man, concluding with a moral choice being placed on the player. Here's everything you need to know to complete this quest. There are plenty of unsavory individuals in the witcher 3, and one of the worst is the crime boss whoreson junior. Ciri had a run-in with the man when she was in novigrad. Thus, while playing as geralt, you need to find him. Related: the witcher 3: useful locations in novigrad you need to keep in mind. Kill everyone, find whoreson at the top of his house. Do the ciri segment, do what you want with whoreson, go outside, speak to radovid on his boat, then speak to priscilla back in novigrad and the whole quest should complete without fail. Meet with cleaver's men outside the casino. Head into the casino and kill whoreson's men there. After killing all of whoreson's men go to the next location. Go to the arena if you have not yet. If you have completed both locaitons, go talk to cleaver Can i avoid playing gwent in get junior? i haven't played gwent at all in my playthrough, since i just don't enjoy it, so i don't have a good deck or anything. And in the main quest "get junior" it wants me to play at whoreson's casino. Witcher 3 get junior casino (sided with cleaver)¶ follow the quest marker to find whoreson’s casino, which is along the eastern side of novigrad’s central district, north-east of hierarch square. If you decided to work with cleaver, you’ll find some of his goons out front. Fucking sucks, but there's no going back. The gangs of novigrad questline involves using cleavers dwarfs to violently break into either the casino or arena. Some quests in the game will eventually fail, when making certain choices. No need to fret about. Play gwent in the casino. Kill everyone but run away from the bouncer outside. Break combat then go talk to the dwarfs and raid the casino which respawns all of the enemies inside. Double loot, get 200g for winning gwent and no failed quests ^^. There are plenty of unsavory individuals in the witcher 3, and one of the worst is the crime boss whoreson junior. Ciri had a run-in with the man when she was in novigrad. Thus, while playing as geralt, you need to find him. Related: the witcher 3: useful locations in novigrad you need to keep in mind. It is south of st. Choose any of the wardrobes marked to get undressed. Kill the whoreson's henchmen that attack. You will need to go to these 3 locations, junior's casino, junior's arena and junior's hideout. You will gain 150 xp after searching all 3 locations Our Top Pick: Hard Rock Casino Cincinnati. Address: 1000 Broadway St, Cincinnati, OH 45202, witcher 3 whoreson casino gwent. The Hard Rock Casino Cincinnati (formerly the Jack Cincinnati Casino) covers 100,000 square feet and provides players with everything from the newest slots and table games to live Poker. Customers will also discover a wide selection of dining options and a variety of bars. 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